Friday, July 27, 2012

I'm officially "OLD"

I'm officially "OLD".  This week I picked up some cotton yarn at WalMart that I found on clearance. I love crocheted dish cloths and pot holders.  I taught myself how to do some basic crocheting (with the help of youtube) a couple of years ago.  I've been crocheting some new cloths this week.  My kids told me that I looked like an old lady because I was sitting around crocheting!!  Ha ha! I even took it to a Dr.'s appointment this week!!  Annagrace was so embarrassed that I was crocheting in the waiting room!  (I think Mark was too, just didn't want to admit it to me)  I've enjoyed my crocheting projects, even though I've been told I look old!  I'm by no means a good crocheter, but as I was making the stitches, I thought of my life.  I thought about how I started out as a baby, sorta like the ball of string.  You know if no one ever picked me up and loved on me, I would not have ever developed.  Just like a ball of string, if it just sits on a shelf or in a sewing basket it never turns into anything useful.  Thinking about the stitches, one at a time, little by little, eventually that's how my life has been.  My wonderful parents loved on me, taught me things, saw that my needs were met and even disciplined me when needed.  Here I am 35 years later.  I know that I'm a project that's not complete.  God has used my parents and many wonderful people in my life to help to make me and mold me into the person I am today!  I could name countless people that have had an awesome impact on my life!  Helping to stitch me into the person I am today.  I am thankful that God has allowed me and blessed me with some really awesome people through out my life.  Many wonderful family members, friends, etc...  Some were allowed to stitch many stitches, some only a few.  I can remember things and events that made a lasting impact on me!  I am so thankful for each and every person that has helped make me who I am today!  Whether people were in my life for a short while or for a long time, I am thankful.  I understand seasons change, even in life.....  So to everyone that reads this you've probably helped stitch me together in one way or another!  Looking at my life and other peoples lives that I am a part of , I'm praying that the stitches that I make be lasting!  Just like when I'm crocheting, sometimes I make a bad stitch and have to un-stitch some of the stitches, and it causes my entire project to unravel.  Even times in my life I've come unraveled due to people or circumstances, but little by little I've been able to be "stitched" again!  My prayer is that I'm making lasting stitches in lives of people that are a part of my life!  My challenge to myself and everyone else, what kind of stitches are you making?? Are you causing life to unravel for one reason or another?  I am asking God to help me and show me how to make strong lasting stitches in lives that I am in contact with... not cause life to be unraveled.........

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