Friday, July 13, 2012

Trail Guide to Learning Arrives!!

It was almost like Christmas in July yesterday.   The UPS man arrives with our package from Geomatters (Trail Guide to Learning, Paths of Settlement) yesterday around 6:30!! Annagrace and Nathan were soooo excited (I was too).  We took the box to the kitchen table, Nathan literally crawled onto the table and was digging in the box like it was Christmas.  I told him this was school books for Will and Annagrace, he said they are for me too!!  He's 3 and thinks he's as big as his 12 and 10 year old brother and sister.  We took everything out of the box, the books were separately wrapped, so it was like opening  a present!  I couldn't get any pictures because they were opening them so fast!  We looked through all the books and resources, it looks like it's gonna be an exciting year!  This is just a little snip of some of the books and materials we received.
I got up this morning first thing, made my coffee and lit a candle and sat down with our POS materials...

I as able to really get a good look at what our year will be like.  I'm very excited.  I am sure that I'm gonna need to get the middle school supplement for my 7th grader.  I'm just going to spend a little more time digging through the materials.  Just gonna try and organize my materials for now. 


  1. Hi, can you tell me what the US president flashcards have on them? I have a set of president flashcards and don't want to have to buy a new set if the set I have will suffice. THanks! Kelly

  2. @ Kelly, I responded to your question on the yahoo group. Let me know if you have any more questions and I'll see if I can help!!!

  3. Christmas in July!! What fun!

  4. Christmas in July...What fun!!
